Monday, September 28, 2009

more uses for pagne...

Today my colleague showed up to work wearing this shirt, which he got while working on a guinea worm eradication program in the 1995: (He said his wife found rediscovered it in his closet...)
For those of you who don't know, guinea worm is a parasite caught usually from drinking stagnant water that has larvae in it. Eventually the worm wants to escape your body so it breaks through the skin and starts crawling out. To make matters worse, it can take weeks for the worm to fully emerge and the only treatment is to start wrapping the live worm around a stick, as is depicted below. It's pretty nasty: if you want to gross yourself out just google image guinea worm. Happily though, thanks to programs like the one my colleague was involved in, guinea worm infections are becoming rarer and rarer.


kharoot said...

I totally just googled that. GROSS!

Karen H said...

That is a clever shirt. I think you should have one created for malaria eradication :)